XXXVIII. DGKJP Kongress 2024

XXXVIII. DGKJP Kongress | 18.-21. September 2024, StadtHalle Rostock



Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen heute das endgültige Programm für das 38. DGKJP-Kongress vorstellen zu können. Entdecken Sie das umfangreiche Angebot an Informationen und Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten in Rostock. Das Programm ist nicht nur auf der Website verfügbar, sondern Sie erhalten das gedruckte Programm ebenfalls vor Ort.

DGKJP supports colleagues from Ukraine!

20 physicians and therapists from Ukraine will attend the XXXVIII. DGKJP congress in Rostock. They will participate in sessions on research results in child and adolescent psychiatry to learn about therapeutic approaches and early identification of mental health problems. They will attend clinical sessions about best evidence, practice and health services. 

We are proud to host our colleagues at the congress, a strong message of the DGKJP to support the people of Ukraine, especially the most vulnerable children and youths. They suffer from bombings in combat regions, separation from their families, grief about losing family members, forced migration and various other adverse experiences. Thus, the generation which is bound to rebuild their country needs every available support to regain and maintain their mental health. 
We thank ESCAP for supporting communication with the Ukraine officials and organizations. 

A multitude of current crises and wars worldwide are adversely affecting the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. The DGKJP stands univocally for tolerance, non-violence and the rights of children as announced by the UN, wherever they live.

Supporting our colleagues in Ukraine

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